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0 votes
Hi there,

I'm currently developing an audio-only game using unity and Wwise for a project at university where the player needs to follow the voice of a girl who is leading him to safety.


I've managed to set it up so far so that I have an object that follows a predetermined path, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas what so ever as to how I could attach the so dialogue to the girl object so that every ten seconds she would call out "over here"

 and the player would be able to hear where in the stereo field she would be?

Any help will be greatly appreciated
in General Discussion by Alasdair M. (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hey Alasdair, 

I would set up the logics for posting the dialogue every 10sec in Unity, so you can account for situations where it should not play. You could use a Coroutine.
For the positioning of sounds, a solid solution would be to post the event on the "girl object" and then head into the Attenuation ShareSet

Let me know if this helps. If not, maybe take a look at the Wwise-301 course for audio integration or Wwise-101 for 3D Spatialization.

by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)
Thank you very much, I've managed to get it to work now! Those links were very helpful