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+2 votes

In the Interactive Music Hierarchy, if you have a work unit inside of a master switch container, it should allow you to make associations to objects within.  See screenshot below.  What is interesting is that you CAN create Transitions that point to these nested objects, however Wwise does NOT allow you to select them in the Music Switch Container Association Editor.  Seems like an oversight?



in Feature Requests by Monty M. (2.7k points)
edited by Monty M.
Quite often with music we will have everything in a "master" switch container so that we can set up the transition matrix between various pieces, especially in a big open world game.  With multiple people working on it this is definitely a limitation as only one person can have it checked out at a time.  And stuff in the music hierarchy doesn't seem to merge well in Perforce.  It would be nice to break things up into manageable work units.

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