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0 votes

I already tried around a bit, but i just cant get it to work.

this is my code and I have a wwise event with a marker. My goal is to put out the name of the marker in the callback function. How can I achieve that ?
    public void WwiseDialogue()
        dialogue.Post(gameObject, (uint)AkCallbackType.AK_Marker, WwiseLastDialogueEnd);
    public void WwiseLastDialogueEnd(object in_cookie, AkCallbackType in_type, object in_info)
in General Discussion by jonas k. (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hey Jonas, 

So what you could do is typecast the in_info to AkMarkerCallbackInfo. Try this: 

public void WwiseDialogue() {
    dialogue.Post(gameObject, (uint)AkCallbackType.AK_Marker, WwiseLastDialogueEnd);

public void WwiseLastDialogueEnd(object in_cookie, AkCallbackType in_type, object in_info) {
    if (in_type == AkCallbackType.AK_Marker) {
        AkMarkerCallbackInfo info = (AkMarkerCallbackInfo)in_info;
        print(info.strLabel); // This prints the marker name          

Let us know if that's what you need.

by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39.8k points)
Yes exactly, thanks a lot :)