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+1 vote

LogAkAudio: Wwise(R) SDK Version 2019.1.6 Build 7110. Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Audiokinetic Inc.
LogInit: Audiokinetic Audio Device setting bank directory to ../../../../../../test/wwise_test/Content/WwiseAudio/Windows.
LogInit: Audiokinetic Audio Device initialized.
LogAkAudio: Error: Master bus structure not loaded: make sure that the first bank to be loaded contains the master bus information
LogAkAudio: Error: Bank Load Failed


windows 10

unreal engine : 4.22,4.23,4.24
wwise 2019.1.6

while i open the ue project the output log show me that.
it is a error ,but it sounds well, and play good.

when then bank i click the bank->details->Behaviour-<autoLoad, it will be good and no error. but I dont think it is a good solution. 

please help.

in General Discussion by Jian Z. (110 points)
Check if your InitBank was created in the content root, instead of in /WWiseAudio as WWise might expect.
Same issue here, I don't understand I've made as usual with last versions of Wwise (from 1.8 to 2.1) since Version 2.0 issues everywhere...

2 Answers

–1 vote
Did you load your Init.bnk? That's where the Master bus structure is
by Gwen Guo (150 points)
How do you load the Init.bnk? I've been looking everywhere and I don't know where to call the LoadBank function
Same issue here, did you find how to do it?
0 votes


I have the same problem, if someone has an answer

by User65184 (150 points)