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Using a random container of accents in multiple events, how do I retain level control per event?

+1 vote
I have a number of weapon fire events, and I have a random container of accents that is being used a a play action across several of them. How I control the level of the random container per event? If I change the volume at the container level, its changed across each event that i added it to.
asked Sep 25, 2014 in General Discussion by Tom T. (340 points)
edited Sep 25, 2014 by Tom T.

1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer

You can use the Set Voice Volume action in the event for that.

answered Sep 25, 2014 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,770 points)
selected Sep 29, 2014 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic)
I am going to go and try that now, thanks!
Yes, it worked like a charm! :-)