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Can I get the spectrum data of a bus?

+3 votes
Is it posibble to get the spectrum data of a bus with the API?

I need to visualize the signal strength of audio that is being played in the game.
asked Sep 25, 2014 in General Discussion by Milan G. (190 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

This is not exposed in the API directly.  However, there are some techniques for that:

Method 1 (require coding)

Create your own Effect plug-in.  You will receive the raw PCM data. You could, for example, use an FFT to extract the spectrum, and send it to your game directly.

You can take a look at the following help section in the Wwise SDK Documentation:​

You will be able to look at the Delay plug-in as an example.

Method 2 (less precise, but no coding)

For a 3 bands spectrum:

  1. Create 3 game param: Low, Mid, Hi
  2. For each game param: Set ranges from -48 to 0
  3. Create aux bus: auxLow
  4. In effect tab of aux bus, add:
    1. Wwise Parametric EQ: Low Pass, 200hz
    2. Wwise Meter: Output: Low
    3. Wwise Gain: Full-Band Channels: -96
  5. Create aux bus: auxMid
  6. In effect tab of aux bus, add:
    1. Wwise Parametric EQ: Low Pass, 1000hz, High Pass, 200hz
    2. Wwise Meter: Output: Mid
    3. Wwise Gain: Full-Band Channels: -96
  7. Create aux bus: auxHi
  8. In effect tab of aux bus, add:
    1. Wwise Parametric EQ: High Pass, 1000hz
    2. Wwise Meter: Output: Hi
    3. Wwise Gain: Full-Band Channels: -96
  9. Send your sound to 3 aux bus: auxLo, auxMid, auxHi
Then, monitor the game parameters from Wwise directly, or using AK::SoundEngine::Query::GetRTPCValue.
answered Sep 25, 2014 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,770 points)
edited Aug 30, 2016 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic)
Is it possible to use the 2nd method here, but target only specific audio events? Currently this method gets all of the audio going thru the channels.
Can there be some clarification on how to send data from a plugin to the game engine, especially for commercial engines like Unreal or Unity?