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Hi Audiokinetic,

I need to create a bar ambience with different random containers playing wallas, dishes and so on. And I need each of these sounds to be randomize in a stereo panning. I figured that the only way to truely achieve this is to select each SFX, override their parent's properties in the positionning tab, select a new path in the position editor and enter a specific value into the Left/Right box. The problem is that now I need my ambience to have an attenuation on the distance. But since all the SFXs override their parents, it doesn't work. Is there a way to tell Wwise "override your next parent (in this case a random container) but not your parent's parents" ? Or is there another way to add stereo randomization on my SFXs without overriding their parent's positionning properties ? Thank you !
in General Discussion by Valentin A. (170 points)

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