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Hi All!

I'm in the process of finishing my WAG project but I'm stuck with this issue.

No matter which soundbank i export, the game always play the original one.

When i started this project i created a new Wwise project and i copied all the objs etc from the original one. I replaced all the Sound SFX and effects in general but when i export the soundbank all i hear in game are the original sounds.

So I did a check of the routing and directories and everything seems fine.

My Wwise soundbank is generated in the directory WwiseAdventureGameSource\GeneratedSoundBanks\Windows, when i open the Wwise Picker window i see my project and not the original one and in the Wwise Settings both the Wwise Project Path and Wwise Windows Installation Path are correct.

Anyone knows how to fix this?

in General Discussion by Tommaso G. (100 points)

1 Answer

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Hey Tommaso,

The path seems fine. Have you tried using the Generate button in the Wwise picker? ... maybe try copy / paste the soundbanks into the Assets > StreamingAssets > Audio > GeneratedSoundBanks folder. This is actually where the soundbanks should end up being located so they can be included in e.g. builds, but Wwise will just copy the soundbanks in there automatically when starting the game.

Let me know if it helps! :)
by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)
Hi and thanks for the reply!
I ended up fixing this issue by replacing the soundbank in the directory that you suggested me and in this directory WwiseAdventureGame_Data\StreamingAssets\Audio\GeneratedSoundBanks

Thanks for the helping hand!