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0 votes
Wwise plugin info "Version" : 201720933, "VersionName" : "2017.2.4.6590.933", "EngineVersion" : "4.19.0"

I am trying to use Suspend(bool) and WakeupFromSuspend() in UE4 but I have link error on methods I'm not even using. I guess I missed something.

I put AKAdio in the build.cs

In my cpp:

#include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkSoundEngine.h>

uint8 UMiscBlueprintFunctionLibrary::MuteWwise(bool mute)
    AKRESULT result = AKRESULT::AK_Fail;
    if (mute)
        result = AKRESULT::AK_Fail; //AK::SoundEngine::WakeupFromSuspend();
    return uint8(result);


The compilation error I get :

1>AkMemoryMgr.lib(AkMemoryMgrBase.obj) : error LNK2019: symbole externe non rÚsolu "void * __cdecl AK::AllocHook(unsigned __int64)" (?AllocHook@AK@@YAPEAX_K@Z) rÚfÚrencÚ dans la fonction "enum AKRESULT __cdecl AK::MemoryMgr::InitBase(long,unsigned long)" (?InitBase@MemoryMgr@AK@@YA?AW4AKRESULT@@JK@Z)
1>AkMemoryMgr.lib(AkMemoryMgr.obj) : error LNK2001: symbole externe non rÚsolu "void * __cdecl AK::AllocHook(unsigned __int64)" (?AllocHook@AK@@YAPEAX_K@Z)
1>AkMemoryMgr.lib(AkMemoryMgrBase.obj) : error LNK2019: symbole externe non rÚsolu "void __cdecl AK::FreeHook(void *)" (?FreeHook@AK@@YAXPEAX@Z) rÚfÚrencÚ dans la fonction "void __cdecl AK::MemoryMgr::Term(void)" (?Term@MemoryMgr@AK@@YAXXZ)
1>AkMemoryMgr.lib(AkMemoryMgr.obj) : error LNK2001: symbole externe non rÚsolu "void __cdecl AK::FreeHook(void *)" (?FreeHook@AK@@YAXPEAX@Z)
1>AkMemoryMgr.lib(AkMemoryMgr.obj) : error LNK2019: symbole externe non rÚsolu "void * __cdecl AK::VirtualAllocHook(void *,unsigned __int64,unsigned long,unsigned long)" (?VirtualAllocHook@AK@@YAPEAXPEAX_KKK@Z) rÚfÚrencÚ dans la fonction "long __cdecl AK::MemoryMgr::CreatePool(void *,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long)" (?CreatePool@MemoryMgr@AK@@YAJPEAXKKKK@Z)
1>AkMemoryMgr.lib(AkMemoryMgr.obj) : error LNK2019: symbole externe non rÚsolu "void __cdecl AK::VirtualFreeHook(void *,unsigned __int64,unsigned long)" (?VirtualFreeHook@AK@@YAXPEAX_KK@Z) rÚfÚrencÚ dans la fonction "long __cdecl AK::MemoryMgr::CreatePool(void *,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long)" (?CreatePool@MemoryMgr@AK@@YAJPEAXKKKK@Z)
1>D:\UE4 Projects\PerforceProjects\VrEscapeGame419\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-ProjetExempleVr.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 4 externes non rÚsolus

As soon as I comment the method call my project compile juste fine, even the AKRESULT enum doesn't throw error.


What did I do wrong and where do these errors come from ?

How can I effectively cal this "suspend" method in my UE4 project ?
in General Discussion by AURELIEN G. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
read the error message carefully.

AK::AllocHook(unsigned __int64) and friends are missing because *you* are supposed to provide them.

for each missing symbol define and implement it and link.exe will find and use them.

hope that helps.
by Dan M. (2.6k points)