ak.wwise.core.object.getPropertyAndReferenceNames is not what you are looking for. ak.wwise.core.object.getPropertyAndReferenceNames serve as an introspection service. It can tell you what are the properties & references available for a specific object type.
For your situation, you are looking for the equivalent of the Reference View. This is available with the referencesTo select statement in ak.wwise.core.object.get.
Here is the python code:
from waapi import WaapiClient
import pprint
# Connect (default URL)
client = WaapiClient()
# Return all events referencing the specified object
args = {
"from": {"path": ['\\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\\Default Work Unit\\MySound']},
"transform": [
{"select": ['referencesTo']},
{"where": ['type:isIn', ['Action']]},
{"select": ['parent']},
options = {
"return": ['id', 'name','type']
result = client.call("ak.wwise.core.object.get", args, options=options)
{'return': [{'id': '{C4C14D5C-F6AA-4534-98A0-398BA5026F37}',
'name': 'Play_MySound',
'type': 'Event'},
{'id': '{13D67C80-0900-4CE0-BBC4-3DC3D696DCBC}',
'name': 'Stop_MySound',
'type': 'Event'}]}