Audiokinetic's Community Q&A is the forum where users can ask and answer questions within the Wwise and Strata communities. If you would like to get an answer from Audiokinetic's Technical support team, make sure you use the Support Tickets page.

0 votes
Hello. I'm building a simple menu in UE4 and I'd like to regulate the volume of the master, effects, character voice and so on and so forth, by a standard volume slider.
Usually this is achievable in UE4 without WWise, using the combination of the Sound Mix and Sound Class.
But now, all my sounds are managed by WWise and the workflow to associated the sounds into the UMG slider must be different.
Could you please tell me how to do that?
Many thanks.
in General Discussion by Napulion (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Connect the Wwise volume bus (either the Master bus or one of it's sub-busses you created) to an RTPC which in turn is connected to the game engine as a 0-100 value (or whatever scale you want - its up to you).
by Beatrix Moersch (3.3k points)