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Keep getting Wwise: Could not find plugin dynamic library OculusSpatializerWwise error in unity editor. Have confirmed that the .dll is placed in Assets\Wwise\Deployment\Plugins\Windows\x86_64\DSP and that its checked to run in editor. have also confirmed that the plugin is in the right place in wwise and the plugin shows up in my wwise project.


any ideas?
in General Discussion by William A. (140 points)
Hi William!
I have the same problem...

How did you solve it?
I'm currently working with Wwise version 2021.1.1 and Unity 2020.3.8. The plugin works correctly in Wwise.
When I load the SoundBank in Unity it gives me this error:

Wwise: Could not find plugin dynamic library OculusSpatializerWwise.

Wwise: Plug-in not found: 32837795

Thanks in advance.
Hmm sorry misread your initial comment. I forgot exactly how we did this let me look into it and see if we documented anything. I believe we needed to make sure the oculus spatializer plugin in unity matched exactly the one used in wwise (the most recent versions of each didn't match at the time).

I also vaguely remember us having to change a path somewhere to point to the plugin abstractly starting from the assets folder (vs an explicit path), but this was a while ago so i'm struggling to remember exactly.

Sorry ill try and look back and see how we did it, i always hate it when people resolve their problems in forums without explaining how and now ive become that person.

1 Answer

–1 vote

You need to add the plugin to the Unity side too, plus a couple other things like Python. You are probably missing one or several of these steps:

by Beatrix Moersch (3.3k points)