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I hope that someone can help me with this:
I have created a limited version of the Wwise Adventure Game with my own music on my Mac
     Everything works fine
I need a PC version so I simply zipped it and opened it on my PC
* The title music and the Cave music (I changed the "Nothing music" to an ambient loop) are the only loops that play
* In some regions the enemy battle music will play
Next I downloaded the Sample Project ON MY PC and attempted to implement my music into the Sample
The only music that will play is the ambient Title Region
Here are some things that I have done, tried, observed
* I do in fact have the license for the certification which allows all media items to be generated
* I am receiving a Wwise Unity Soundbank Generation error after I refresh and generate soundbanks in Unity
* I created a dummy event to see If the wwise file and the unity file were connecting and the event is showing up in the wwise picker
* I believe that I have been very careful about version matching Wwise and Unity
* If I attempt to make a volume change in a region It does not change the volume of the music in Unity
It seems to me as if the NEW REGION music is not being received in UNITY
* I am converting all audio files
* The music plays properly in WWISE when I test the containers and events (spacebar)
Some questions:
* Is the Wwise Unity Sample downloaded (PC) version editable?
* are there additions that need to be made to the SoundBanks to allow the Unity game to play the NEW music
* Where should the SoundBanks be attached in unity (akBank)
* Are there akEvents that need to be added to objects in the unIty game?
* I began to go through the Certification lessons (251 and 301 and still was not able to
* I have been quite successful implementing music in games that I have made unity with Wwise in the past
* I keep thinking that I am missing something SO VERY obvious
* If any one wants to see screenshots etc. please let me know
* ON the PC I am using Wwise 2017.2.8.6698 and its matching Unity build
* I am running windows 10 - I saw one comment that said that Soundbank folders need to have "Write permission" so I attempted to change them from READ ONLY  - but that did not solve the problem
Like I said - everything works on the Mac...
           This is such a mystery to me - I am certain that when I find the solution it will be such a simple item that I will feel very foolish...
But to sum this all up: I would think that I should be able to implement music into the Wwise adventure Game as easily as I did on the Mac
Shouldn't this work as expected on BOTH platforms?
Thank you
in General Discussion by Tom D. (180 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Hey, I hoped you managed to solve this! But in case you didn't, I'm 99% certain the issue is your Unity-Wwise integration. Classic signs. If everything works in Wwise, and stuff is showing up in the Wwise picker but not updating in Unity, then the new soundbanks are not being loaded correctly in Unity. Double-check your Wwise settings in Unity, especially project path and soundbank location, and check the date stamp on the soundbanks inside streaming assets in the unity project. Good luck!
by Beatrix Moersch (3.3k points)
0 votes

Hey Tom, 

Hope you've solved your issue by now, but if not, here's a few answers on your points. 

* Is the Wwise Unity Sample downloaded (PC) version editable?
Yes, definitely. You are getting the actual source project, so you can add whatever you'd like or remove anything you'd like.

* If I attempt to make a volume change in a region It does not change the volume of the music in Unity. It seems to me as if the NEW REGION music is not being received in UNITY.
Take a look at your new music's Output bus and see if it's routed to the Music Audio Bus. The volume slider in the WAG menu will be referenced using an RTPC to specifically that Audio Bus. 

* are there additions that need to be made to the SoundBanks to allow the Unity game to play the NEW music.
No, not really. You can import any music track, either to an already existing music segment or create a new one and add it to the Music_Region Event, and then after generating SoundBanks, it should be able to play it in Unity. 

* Where should the SoundBanks be attached in unity (akBank).
Right now, the soundbanks are loaded from the game objects within the Wwise game object, but you can easily add an AkBank component to any other game object and load it from there. Just create a new empty game object, add an AkBank, set it to Awake, and then select your new soundbank. This is probably set up correctly, since it works on your mac. 

* Are there akEvents that need to be added to objects in the unIty game?
Right now, the music is posted from a Wwise-Type and not an AkEvent. Check out the Manager game object > GameManager script > Music Start_Region Wwise-Type property and see if anything is selected in it. If not, then reselect the Music_Region Event and it will be posted when the game starts. But then again, if it works on mac this shouldn't be a problem. 

Shouldn't this work as expected on BOTH platforms?
Yes, definitely. It does sound strange... I would probably start by deleting the SoundBanks (including the wwiseIDs) then generate again. If that doesn't fix it, I would check any kind of source control for whether some DLL's that haven't been transferred properly (unless you are using an external harddrive). Maybe try to check your different platform settings like conversion settings, platform voice limits, and any properties that have been included/excluded on the windows platform.

Hope this helps or you've solved it by now, else, let us know :) 

by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)