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We got a crash when, in the UE4 Editor, we delete an audio actor containing a UAkSurfaceReflectorSetComponent, then undo.

The reason is that FAkSurfaceReflectorSetDetailsCustomization was keeping a raw pointer to IDetailLayoutBuilder.  That needs to be a TWeakPtr with appropriate validity checks at each usage.  We found the same problem in FAkLateReverbComponentDetailsCustomization and FAkRoomComponentDetailsCustomization.

The fix is to change each class's MyDetailLayout member variable to:

TWeakPtr<IDetailLayoutBuilder> MyDetailLayout;


Then override this additional function from the baseclass:


virtual void CustomizeDetails( const TSharedPtr<IDetailLayoutBuilder>& DetailBuilder ) override;


Use that function to initialize your weak pointer from the shared pointer, then call the other CustomizeDetails with the raw pointer from there.

Hope this helps!

in General Discussion by Alex P. (180 points)

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