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+1 vote
I'm using Wwise 2018 1.0.28 on MacOS 10.13.6.  Every so often I'll select an event or container to test using the Transport Control but upon selecting a new event the editor's Transport Control sticks to the old event.  I can then no longer listen to any other events or containers except the "sticky" event in the Transport Control.  I have to quit and restart Wwise.  The only way to get around this is to use a Sound Caster Session.  This seems like a bug, but I can't purposefully recreate it.  It seems quite random.  Is there a logical reason why this would happen and a way to prevent it?  Thank you.
dans General Discussion par Robert E. (200 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Hello Robert, on Mac, using ALT + CMD + Click on an object will automatically pin it to the Transport
When this happens, you don't have to quit restart Wwise ! You just have to unpin the object from the Transport by clicking the pin icon (next to the ( ? ) icon)

Do you rely a lot on ALT + CMD key combination in other programs you use at the same time as Wwise ?
par Noemie P. (Audiokinetic) (12.9k points)
Thanks Fabien.  I did not know about his feature.  I'm not sure if this is what is exactly happening but may be the solution.  ALT + CMD + CLICK is a pretty standard combination in Unity to move throughout the scene window.  And Unity is often running while I use Wwise.  This could be the culprit, though I've never purposefully performed this key combination in Wwise, I'll pay more attention and see if this is what's happening.  I will certainly update this thread if it is not the solution.
  But if so it would appear that this feature is occurring without my intent so perhaps this key combination isn't the best considering the correlation with Unity's interface.
Hi Robert, thanks for the reply, I have created an issue for the dev to look into this. We will very likely change the shortcut to avoid such conflicting behavior in the future. For your reference, the number of the issue is WG-40845.