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I have a problem when I loop a "Music Segment" in "Music Playlist Editor". When the file reads loops, there is a small "lag". I can not understand where it can come from ...
Here is a video that shows the problem:
Does somebody have an idea ?
thank you in advance

Theophile Demarcq

PS: Sorry for the sound (-> built-in microphone)



J'ai un probleme quand je boucle une "Music Segment" dans "Music Playlist Editor". Lorsque le fichier se lit se boucle, il y a un petit "lag". Je n'arrive pas à comprendre de où cela peut venir ...
Voici une vidéo qui montre le problème :
Quelqu'un à t'il une idée ?
Merci d'avance

Théophile Demarcq

PS : Désolé pour le son (--> micro intégré)
in Feature Requests by Théophile Demarcq (1.8k points)

1 Answer

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Hi Theophile

Would you be willing to share the file so I can take a look at it?
Are the entry and exit cues set correctly?

Kind Regards
by Tobias D. Nielsen (2.5k points)

Thank you for your reply.
It seems to me that the cues of inputs and outputs are correct.
You think it will come from my file? Incorrectly encoded?

here is a link to download the song in question -> 0
I've made a Wwise project with the file looping here, which seems to work fine for me. Try cross-referencing between this project and yours, making sure all the settings are the same

Kind Regards

Indeed it works nickel here. I did not understand what made my version did not work ... I'm going to search ... maybe you have an idea?

In any case THANK YOU again and the pleasure of being able to help you one day! ;O))

Théophile Demarcq

Well, I think I have a problem with my computer. I have the same symptoms with another project.
This time it's more complicated than a simple loop and so it's laging everytime ... I do not think it comes from Wwise ... do you have an idea? An audio problem, an Audio driver?

I'm working on an Imac 4core 3.7GHz with 16GB Ram, so it can read 2 or 6 Wav files at the same time ...

Is it possible that this is the format of my wav? They are in classic formats 44/16 or 48/24 ...

I've made a video of my new problem : (starting at 16")

Thank you for your help !

Theophile Demarcq

I'm really not sure. If you have any audio drivers you can update, you could try that. Are you using an external sound card?

.Wav is fine. Should be no issue.

Are the files stored on a slow external drive or something?

I have no idea why this happens, but if my file works fine for you, then it seems like it's not just the computer. I would suggest you go through the file I sent you really carefully, and check to make sure all the settings are the same.

Otherwise, I'm out of ideas :-/

Kind Regards