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0 votes

I am developing an exposure therapy game which is being used to address auditory hypersensitivity.  As each individual is hypersensitive to a particular sound, the system requires some personalisation.  The application is being developed in Unity3D.  Is it possible to load in audio files at runtime to be processed by Wwise?




in Feature Requests by dan j. (100 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi Dan

It is possible, but certainly not as easy as it could be. The general process is described here: The idea is that you can select a source called "Wwise Audio Input" in Wwise Sound SFX objects.
This source is set up to receive audio data directly - meaning you can then read the data directly from the user's sound file in Unity, and send it
to the Wwise audio input when needed. 

Kind Regards

by Tobias D. Nielsen (2.5k points)