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+1 vote

Is there a way of exporting elements between projects. Lest say I have a great sequence container or interactive music setup i'd like to import into another project. Can I do it and if so how ?


in General Discussion by damon i. (890 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
You can copy the work unit manually into the new project's folder structure.

Step by step:

- In Wwise Project A: Create a new Work Unit in Actor Mixer Hierarchy. Name the WU something like "Transfer".

- Drag the item you want to transfer into the "Transfer" WU. Save the Wwise project, and close it.

- Find the "Transfer" WU in Project A's folder structure in Windows (if you use a Windows PC). In this case look for a folder called "Actor-Mixer Hierarchy" and you will find the "Transfer" WU inside.

- Copy/Paste the "Transfer" WU into Project B's folder structure, respectively into the "Actor-Mixer Hierarchy" folder of Project B.

- Open Project B in Wwise Authoring tool. Look for the newly added WU called "Transfer".

- Voilla

This is just a simple case, but it can sometimes get very complex, so try to use unique names like "Transfer", or anything that keeps it clear and unconfusing. You don't want to accidentally overwrite a WU, just becasue it has the same name in two separate projects. ;)

All the Original SFX or Music assets related to the shared item need to be transfered as well, otherwise the item will report missing assets in Project B. This time the Original assets should not be renamed, and have to be placed in the exact same folder location in Project B like they are in Project A. Also check what else the shared item refers to, such as Attenuation Sharesets, Effects, Switches, RTPCs, etc... which can all be transfered in the same way like the shared item. However, you might need to reconnect these other references manually, in case the IDs change, which Wwise does automatically if there are conflicts.

Hope this helps!
by Christian S. (610 points)
edited by Christian S.
Brilliant ! Thank you.