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Hey everyone,


I've been having issues integrating the Oculus spatializer into Unity. I'm currently running unity 2017.3.1.f.1 with Wwise 2017.2.5.6619 on a Windows 10 build, x64 so I followed these instructions

x86_64 Target Platform

  1. Navigate to the Oculus Spatializer Wwise download package folder that matches your version of Wwise.
  2. Copy \x64\bin\plugins\OculusSpatializerWwise.dll to the {Unity Project}\Assets\Wwise\Deployment\Plugins\Windows\x86_64\DSP\ folder.

 I've installed both the xlm and dll files in the folder directed but I'm still not getting the spatializer plug in in the mixer plug in the menu under the audio bus property editor. And ideas on what I could do next? I've updated wwise and my computer just in case it was the issue with no success.

in General Discussion by Avril M. (110 points)
Same issue here, version 2018.1.1. Did this ever get resolved for you?

1 Answer

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in the Audio Bus Property Editor, if you don't see the Mixer Plug-In tab, you have to enable it using the + tab.

It should show up there.
by sean g. (140 points)