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+1 vote
Has anyone run benchmark CPU consumption tests using the Reflect plugin, that they could share ?

Is the efficiency similar on different platforms, or  does it vary significantly ?

How controllable is it in terms of management of it's efficiency and how readable is profiling data to assist in doing this ?
in General Discussion by Simon P. (590 points)
Hi Simon,

Have you made any headway with this question? Currently using reflect and I am having a number of issues with CPU optimization where the volumes themselves when present in the world take up 70% of my resources.
Hi Jeff, No, I have not had any response to my question and my programmer is reluctant to spend the time to implement Reflect in our version of Unreal just so we can profile it's performance in one of our levels. So whilst we could do tests in the Wwise Demo the work of setting up similar game play in that demo that would mimic our Wwise performance/behavior is not realistic. We have a short development cycle so the luxury of being able to do bench mark testing of new plugin performance is low on our priority. The fact that Reflect is a bit black boxy from a programmer perspective is also a concern. Whilst the power is in the hands of the designer, which is where it belongs,GPGResponsibility, there is great potential as you are seeing to chew heavily on CPU and not necessarily understand where/why those bites are so big.

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