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+1 vote
I'm trying to update the soundbank in my Unity project, but I'm getting "WwiseUnity: SoundBank generation error" with no other context—the console doesn't say anything after that. Clicking on the error just takes me to a "Debug.LogError(message)" line in AkUtilities.cs, which doesn't really tell me anything. Any idea where I should be looking?
in General Discussion by Joe M. (150 points)
i aslo have this problem,have you solved yet??

1 Answer

0 votes
Are you sure that the files/folder is not read only?


you need to have write access to both the spot in unity where the banks are generated, as well as inside the wwise project folder "generated soundbanks"
by Kaan (270 points)
Yes, I have write permission. The soundbanks generate successfully from wwise, but not from Unity. Still, the unity project is using the old soundbanks