I was initially running on v2013.2.8 build 4865 and encountered some problems when playing the cube demo. Some textures in the level is either missing or not showing up property. So I decided to completely uninstall this version and opt for the latest version instead. Unfortunately I wasn't be able to install the new version since. It always give me these two lines after it failed to install:
Authoring Data - There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.
Authoring Data - Failed to execute the package: Fatal error during installation
I restarted my PC prior to installing v2013.2.9 build 4872, try again, won't install. So I tried PC cleanup and registry cleanup, restart, still won't install. I went back to v2013.2.8 build 4865, same, it's always giving me those two messages. Lastly, I downloaded the stand alone Wwise Authoring Data file and install, problem still exist. I restarted my computer between each attempt.
I'm running out of options here. If anyone is kind enough to help out that will be great! I appreciated it.
Many thanks!