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0 votes
I was initially running on v2013.2.8 build 4865 and encountered some problems when playing the cube demo. Some textures in the level is either missing or not showing up property. So I decided to completely uninstall this version and opt for the latest version instead. Unfortunately I wasn't be able to install the new version since. It always give me these two lines after it failed to install:

Authoring Data - There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.

Authoring Data - Failed to execute the package: Fatal error during installation


I restarted my PC prior to installing v2013.2.9 build 4872, try again, won't install. So I tried PC cleanup and registry cleanup, restart, still won't install. I went back to v2013.2.8 build 4865, same, it's always giving me those two messages. Lastly, I downloaded the stand alone Wwise Authoring Data file and install, problem still exist. I restarted my computer between each attempt.


I'm running out of options here. If anyone is kind enough to help out that will be great! I appreciated it.


Many thanks!
in General Discussion by Dorian M. (100 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Can you post the log file somewhere?
by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35.8k points)
Sorry forgot to attach link to the files, here they are.

v2013.2.8 build 4865 log

v2013.2.9 build 4872 log

Here's a picture of the error for both versions side by side.

Below is my computer's specs if that's helpful.
- Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, Service Pack 1
- Intel i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
- 16.0 GB RAM
- Nvidia GTX 680 x2

Was this ever resolved? I have a student also running into this error in Windows 7. Thanks
have you resolved this problem?I got the same problem here.