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+1 vote
I'm trying to integrate Unity & Wwise in a new project, using Unity 2017.3.1f1 and the Wwise Launcher 2017.3.1f1 on Mac OSX (10.11.6).

However, even on a totally fresh Unity project, I see the message "Please select a valid Unity executable" when I try to integrate (or update Wwise in a project).

I've found that this was a problem this time last year, where it was suggested I type in the path (rather than use the Browse option), but this does not work.

I've also talked to someone else who's seeing the exact same problem on his system.

Any suggestions - or do we have to wait for a fix?
in General Discussion by ciaran r. (110 points)
I have this problem too and I can't figure out how to repair it
Just to say that I still have this problem.  As of right now I can't integrate or upgrade anything.  Waste of time

2 Answers

0 votes
Is this still not functioning? I have the same issue - Browse for my Unity app but it still says to select a valid Unity executable
by Adam H. (140 points)
0 votes
Hi, I think I once solved this issue by renaming "Unity xxxx.x.x" installation folder in my program files folder to just "Unity" and it helped. It was on Windows machine but you can try it on Mac :)
by Radek Karnik (990 points)