| And, with CPU profiler, I noticed that WWise thread uses around 30% of cpu time of one of the cores.
is this an actual cpu profiler looking at the time spent on core or the cpu value from the wwise authoring tool?
the value from the authoring tool is simply a measure of percentage of time spent computing the audio frame given the entire time that represents. for example if your frame size is 1024 and your samplerate is 48000Hz an entire frame of audio consists of 21.3ms of data, if wwise is using '30%' of this according to the authoring tool that just means that it took 6.4ms from when it started to compute the frame to when it finished ( this can include time for a bunch of stuff notably time spent off core! ). generally percentage of time on core is only useful given a target game frame rate and even then it can be misleading. consider the 45~ fps of wwise in the example earlier, if it does spend 6.4ms on core every 21.3ms for a 30fps game you could say that it spends about 20% of a core.
| I wonder if there is any way to lower the CPU usage of WWise library.
the answer depends on what your problem area is, do you have too many voices? too many expensive effects? too much decoding work to do?