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+4 votes

Okay, so I am running the latest version of macOS High Sierra and trying to get started on this 101 course certification (note: I am not a programmer, I am a composer/sound designer, so please speak to me in a language I can get). I am having trouble locating, Y:\Documents\WwiseProject\Wwise Lessons\Lesson 1\ as asked in 'Lesson 1 - Launch Wwise'. The location I get is, Z:\Applications\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2017.2.1.6524\Cube\Wwise-101\Lesson 1\ if I select this I get an empty project (I have uninstalled & reinstalled Wwise because of this) and I must mention I followed all the setup instructions prior to starting lesson one (except launching Cube, because I can't), the Wwise 2017.2.1.6524 folder with all its contents haven't been moved from my Applications.

Also, I cant launch Cube, so some detailed and user-friendly instructions on having this launch for my operating system would be greatly appreciated (I checked out the provided instructions and simply didn't understand them, again, I have no programming background).

in General Discussion by Blanca G. (140 points)
I am currently having a similar problem.  Just finished installing and placed the lessons properly.  Cube runs just fine but anytime i attempt to open Wwise it just brings up the app logo on my drop bar but never completely opens and closes. any help yet?
I have the same Issue, no response yet on how to do this? Instructions are not very Mac friendly.

1 Answer

+1 vote
I have exactly the same problem, profile and computer. I was just reading your post, did you get to solve it and to be able to run the demo at the end?
by Sonsoles J. (160 points)