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+3 votes
In the Unity integration for 2017.2.0, there are two application state handlers that have moved from `AkInitializer` into `AkSoundEngineController`:

OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus)

OnApplicationFocus(bool focus)

However, since `AkSoundEngineController` is not a Unity `MonoBehaviour` instance, these handlers will never be invoked.

As a result, an Android build using this integration will fail to suspend audio when the Android device is locked.
in General Discussion by Frank H. (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Also seeing this same issue on Unity 2017.4.0f1 with Wwise integration 2017.2.4.6590.1054.

We've also found that the audio doesn't suspend in the editor if we pause execution (using the editor pause button). I checked on an older integration and it definitely used to pause in editor when hitting the pause button. Maybe these issues are related? Either way, this is stopping us from updating our project to 2017.4.

Would love it if anyone could shed some light on this. Let me know if more information is needed!
by Manesh M. (750 points)