This question relates to a Unity Project using C#, it is multiplatform but this issue is with Android specifically. Wwise version: 2017.1.0.6302
The audio for the game I'm working on has just increased in size surpassing the apk limit. I'm already using the OBB file to store videos and I make this OBB with the JOBB tool and mount it when the app starts. Note that this is different to using the split APK option in Unity, which ties the APK and OBB file together in a way that requires you to always update both.
I've edited my build script to pull the audio files into the OBB alongside the videos and it successfully mounts as before. I've edited AkBasePathGetter.GetPlatformBasePath to return the correct location of the banks in my project (the mounted directory).
I can see that the sound engine initialises successfully but Init.bnk, and one other bank file, both fail to load. I have wwise set to Debug but it still never prints where it is actually looking for the Bank files.
I am wondering if anyone has done anything like this successfully? Can I get away with editing the path for this one platform or do I need to implement a Bank load which isn't going through the DLL (like AkMemBankLoader)?
I've looked and a few people have asked about this over the years but the questions I found don't have answers. I can see people discussing AK_LOAD_BANK_IN_MEMORY but no hits are returned in the documentation for that when I search and I can't see anything in wwise settings that relates to this.
Any help is much appreciated!