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New Wwise user here.

I'm trying to import a blank Wwise project into a current Unity project, and I keep getting errors. The log reads this:

Aborting batchmode due to failure:
Scripts have compiler errors.

2018-01-27T18:18:39.399Z: --- END UNITY LOG ---
2018-01-27T18:18:40.152Z: Game integration: Pushing progress: A script compilation error

occurred during the execution in Unity. Please click Open Log to review the Unity log.
Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseComponents/AkAmbientInspector.cs(185,52): error CS0117: `Event' does not contain a definition for `current'
Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseComponents/AkAmbientInspector.cs(234,42): error CS0117: `Event' does not contain a definition for `current'

..... and then a bunch of the above.


Any ideas? I'm not a programmer so this is all foreign language to me. Thanks!
分类:General Discussion | 用户: Devin D. (100 分)

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