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i've followed the steps in the integration guide, up to the "initial setup" step. So, i've got a WWise plugin integrated at engine level, and i can compile and run successfully, but i'm not actually doing anything (yet).

Next step, starting to call, from another plugin, that wraps engine-level custom functionalities, to WWise functions. I've got the includes where the plugin is ( \Engine\Plugins\Wwise\Source\AkAudio\ ) ,  so, question 1): how to properly make my other plugin to know the include path(s)? i've already added the AkAudio module dependency in the .cs file

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] {    ..   "AkAudio",     .. });

but i know i have to add here also the paths, what's the correct way? After doing this, will i need to do more?

Question 2): forcing in-code explicit include paths (e.g. ../../../../WWise/Source/AkAudio/Public/AkInclude.h ) i still get some compile errors, in AkInclude.h (syntax error: identifier 'FEditorViewportClient') but opening it i get to the default install path of WWise (in my case, S:\WWise\Source\ etc..) and not the in-engine copied plugin source. Is this an intellisense pitfall or a real issue due to something else? I tend to believe the second option, because it should know about the "correct" include path and not this other one.

thanks a lot in advance,

kind regards,

in General Discussion by Michele C. (140 points)

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