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I am trying to integrate game defined auxiliary sends in a project. For which I am using below code-

TArray<AkAuxSendValue> AkReverbValues;
UAkComponent* Comp = ActiveGameObject.AkComponent.Get();
AkAuxSendValue SendValue;
SendValue.listenerID = AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT;
SendValue.auxBusID = AudioDevice->GetIDFromString(BusName);
SendValue.fControlValue = 1;
AudioDevice->SetAuxSends(Comp->GetAkGameObjectID(), AkReverbValues);

But it is not sending the AuxSend.
I also tried using AK::SoundEngine::SetGameObjectAuxSendValues() but project won't build after using that and gave linking errors. I am able to use Reverb volumes but having problem through code.
分类:General Discussion | 用户: Himanshu M. (100 分)

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