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Generate soundbank in the sample project limbo

+1 vote

Hi , i'm actually learning wwise through the school of video game audio and it seems that i cant generate the soundbank with sounds of my own in the game.

When i do, its still the original sounds and when i put the licence of the school on the project and i generate the soundbank, the game becomes dead silent. 

And i cant play the sounds from limbo in wwise after that also?? Is there a way to fix this ?? My teacher doesnt know what to do also, he said this ?

Hi Jason,

It looks like there's several issues with Limbo working as you've described.

I've tried it with the current version of Wwise on Win10, Wwise 2016.2.2 (which has worked fine in the past) on the Mac (under Wine) and under Win10, and none of them function. With 2016.2.2, audio works fine in the game until I apply the license, generate the banks and then no sounds play. Included in the .pdf for Limbo are the reasons why the original sounds don't play, as they've only included the temporary .wem files which allow you to preview them in Wwise and build the banks but not have access to the originals. A strange issue with the 2017.1.4 version is that there are no .wem (Wwise temp audio files) or .bnk (bank) files at all so you can't build the bank or hear them in Wwise. From what I can see, the current version of Limbo doesn't include any audio.

All of my workarounds to try to revert back to the older version fail due to their implementation of their academic license which consistently generates a silent bank.

All this is quite unfortunate and you might want to contact Wwise via their help forums to see if they can resolve the issue. Currently, I'll be removing the option for Limbo from the course as it appears to be non-functional from the testing that I have done.


asked Jan 8, 2018 in General Discussion by Jason L. (140 points)

I have the same problem here. When our school academic license is in the project, Limbo doesn't play our generated soundbanks. We use to work with a copy of the original folder, just in case. When this happens, we copy the original folder and restart, which wastes a lot of time.

We mainly use Wwise version 2016.2.4. As long as the academic licence is not part of the project, everything works fine...

It is somewhat strange that Limbo doesn't implement the academic license, since it is a good learning project for advanced students.

Can it be fixed??
Pourquoi Wwise ne règle pas le problème depuis 2016. J'ai perdu 3 heures a essayer de changer de dossier et rien ne se passait. À quoi bon de mettre un sample si il ne fonctionne pas ?

1 Answer

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Sorry to hear you're having problems building SoundBanks for the game.

It's definitely supposed to work and we just did a test where it worked just fine. That said, the game is not a student-friendly sample and there are lots of Game Syncs, Event Actions, etc. that might prevent your sounds from playing as you might expect them to. If a sound is not playing, you will have to use the different profilers to investigate what the reason might be, and to use those properly, you'll need to know them beforehand.

Long story short, Limbo is not a sample to be used by beginners or schools, but it serves as a fine example of what a "real Wwise project" could look like. 

Hope you get it to work, but if you are a beginner, please check out Wwise-101 first. 

answered Dec 5, 2022 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,800 points)