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+1 vote

I'm interested in using a high accuracy sequencer in unity to call sounds in the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy. Currently, if I do the naive thing and just call "AkSoundEngine.PostEvent" the timing is off. I'm wondering what the correct approach is here (aside from just using the interactive music system within wwise itself). Anyone have experience doing this?. The accurate sequencers I've found for unity use AudioSettings.dsptime and AudioSource.PlayScheduled. I'm assuming if the unity audio system is off that's not possible to make use of, and even if it was available I'm not sure it would be of use. Any suggestions welcome!


in General Discussion by Kjolly (110 points)
I want to do exactly the same thing, i.e. schedule events to avoid latency issues when posting events and improve accuracy for audio events that are very time sensitive.

1 Answer

0 votes
As far as I know, the interactive music tier itself is already doing something similar.
It depends on what kind of design you want to implement using this type of approach.
by Hou Chenzhong (Audiokinetic) (6.0k points)