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+1 vote

I'm working on a python script to create and import wavs for game dialogue, but I can't seem to create sound voice objects.

I'm using the ak_wwise_core_object_create function and passing in a dictionary of arguments, including parent, type etc.

I have everything working correctly to create all kinds of containers and children, including Sound SFX objects. I can also set various properties like Volume and IsLoopingEnabled, so I'm pretty confident I have all the structures and functions set up correctly.

I have tried changing the type to Sound Voice, but that returns an error about unrecognised type.

I have also tried setting the type to Sound and setting the IsVoice property to True, but this returns an error claiming that property cannot be set.

I know IsVoice is valid, because I have it in the return arguments of my GetSelectedObject function.

Can anyone shed some light into how to create Sound Voice object types with the core.object.create function?

in General Discussion by Simon G. (1.0k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Hi Simon,

creating Sound Voices using ak.wwise.core.object.create will cause you trouble. It is preferable to use

by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35.8k points)
selected by Simon G.
Thanks Bernard. I've changed my script around to use the Import call instead.
Out of interest, is there a specific reason the Object Create call doesn't support creating voice type objects?
It is for historical reasons. In Wwise's user interface, we were never able to transform a Sound Voice to Sound SFX, and vice versa. Unfortunately, this limitation still applies in WAAPI, until we decide to refactor that area.