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Wwise (Mac version) - How do I change the timeline to bars/beats in - Music Segment Editor?

+1 支持

I have a nubie problem about the music segment editor.

I run the Wwise Mac version and are just starting out in Wwise. How do I change the timeline to bars/beats in the Music Segment Editor?



Martin aka Green Panda
Martin P. (110 ポイント) 2014 7/19 質問 General Discussion

回答 1

0 支持

Right-click the time ruler of the Segment Editor and select Bars ans Beat.

Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,770 ポイント) 2014 7/19 回答
Solved it... Seems like you need a mouse to do the trick.
It would be great if Wwise included a way to remap right-click to left-click + [customKey].  (Usually control + left click does this but it doesn't work in Wwise.)  This is a problem for older Macs that don't have a mouse with a separate right click button, as it prevents things like changing the ruler, setting curves in the Attenuation Editor, and many other useful functions.