I have been working in this for weeks to no avail.
- I have footsteps in wwise audio tab(random sequence containers under a switch container)
- Have created an footsteps event that plays successfully when the space bar is pressed
- Saved the event in the sound bank successfully
- Attached the event to a music player object in unity and set to start
- Attached the footstep switch to a box collider in game
When the game starts here is what happens
- I hear the footsteps when the player drops (awake)
- I can enter the box collider and hear one footstep in enter and one upon leaving the collider
- I do not hear footsteps is succession wen moving about within the collider
Hoping to correct this I made changes to the unity footstep script on FPC
- Commenting out all references to unity audio sources and adding a call to the wwise footstep event
- This created no change
This is driving me crazy and I cannot find the answer to this problem anywhere on reddit, unity or wwise websites
Am I missing some critical component
Please understand that I am a composer not a programmer but willing to dive in to anything to fix this problem
Also, the wwise demo scene footsteps work properly
I tried moving the FPC from that scene into my scene and it would not work
I am on the 2017 versions of wwise and unity
All other audio / Music implementations work properly
Thanks for any assistance and please let me know what other information you might need to solve the problem
Thanking in advance
Tom Davis