We recently updated our project from UE 4.15.2 to UE 4.17.2.
We so updated our Wwise Project and Wwise UE Integration from 2016.2.4 to 2016.2.5.
The project launched previously perfectly on Win64, PS4 and XBoxOne.
But now the project never launched on XboxOne.
It fails during AcpHalAllocateShapeContexts call with a HRESULT value to 0x8ac80001 which correspond to ACP_E_ALREADY_ALLOCATED even if XAUDIO2_DO_NOT_USE_SHAPE is clearely passed to XAudio2Create() during FXAudio2Device::InitializeHardware()
> WwiseDemoGame-XboxOne-Debug.exe!FXMAAudioInfo::Initialize() Line 62 C++
WwiseDemoGame-XboxOne-Debug.exe!FXAudio2Device::InitializeHardware() Line 273 C++
WwiseDemoGame-XboxOne-Debug.exe!FAudioDevice::Init(int InMaxChannels) Line 264 C++
WwiseDemoGame-XboxOne-Debug.exe!FAudioDeviceManager::CreateAudioDevice(bool bCreateNewDevice, FAudioDeviceManager::FCreateAudioDeviceResults & OutResults) Line 148 C++
WwiseDemoGame-XboxOne-Debug.exe!UEngine::InitializeAudioDeviceManager() Line 2116 C++
WwiseDemoGame-XboxOne-Debug.exe!UEngine::Init(IEngineLoop * InEngineLoop) Line 987 C++
WwiseDemoGame-XboxOne-Debug.exe!UGameEngine::Init(IEngineLoop * InEngineLoop) Line 558 C++
WwiseDemoGame-XboxOne-Debug.exe!FEngineLoop::Init() Line 2665 C++
WwiseDemoGame-XboxOne-Debug.exe!EngineInit(const wchar_t * SplashName) Line 686 C++
WwiseDemoGame-XboxOne-Debug.exe!GuardedMain(const wchar_t * CmdLine, HINSTANCE__ * hInInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, int nCmdShow) Line 746 C++
WwiseDemoGame-XboxOne-Debug.exe!GuardedMainExceptionWrapper(const wchar_t * CmdLine, HINSTANCE__ * hInInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, int nCmdShow) Line 771 C++
WwiseDemoGame-XboxOne-Debug.exe!ViewProvider::[Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::IFrameworkView]::Run() Line 532 C++
WwiseDemoGame-XboxOne-Debug.exe!ViewProvider::[Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::IFrameworkView]::__abi_Windows_ApplicationModel_Core_IFrameworkView____abi_Run() C++
appmodel.dll!00000101a97bd526() Unknown
ntdll.dll!00000101a9307268() Unknow
I tried with WwiseDemoGame 2016.2.4 with the same result.
I also try with more recent demos from 2017.1.2 to 2017.1.3 with the same result.
I am using Windows 10 Pro, UE 4.17.2 from Epic Games Perforce, XDK 170302 (March 2017 QFE 2), XBoxOne OS Version October 2017, Visual Studio Version 14 Update 3, Debug or Development configuration.
Kind regards,