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I was able to integrate my Wwise projects into my UE projects but now I can't, and I'm stuck with it.

Wwise Unreal Integration version 2017.1.2.6361.696

I have Wwise SDK Files installed on 2017.1.2.6361

When I want to integrate to any project it says: 

"The Wwise SDK isn't installed, please modify your Wwise install and install the SDK:

  • Mac
  • Windows_vc140"

So I first clicked on the Modify Wwise 2017.1.2.6361 button but I can't do anything else since I already have everything installed (I guess!)

I'm on Mac. Any ideas?

Here is a pic:

UPDATE: I tried in Windows and the same happened. Then tried 6340 version and worked! Why? I'm using UE 4.17.2

in General Discussion by Guido M. (270 points)
edited by Guido M.

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