Hello! So I'm working on a game where the player moves around in a 'world map' scene and if he/she runs in to an enemy, it loads up a 'battle' scene. Think pokemon when you hit a wild pokemon in a tall grass. :)
Anyways, similarly to pokemon, the music changes on contact with the enemy and should continue to play through the scene change and loop from there.
However, on the scene change, the music track abruptly cuts out... I looked in to the profiler and figured this out. It seems at the scene change, the music track gets sent to a virtual voice but if I wait for it to go through one whole loop it will pop back up to being audible/normal. Also, if I pause the Unity editor, it snaps back to a normal voice, not virtual.....
Here are screen shots from before and after the scene change. **Note the little box between the music track and the music bus... what exactly does this number mean? Is it a volume adjustment added by some event or state or something?
Few other things that might help:
No soundbanks are being changed during this process so that is highly unlikely to be an issue.
Have yet to see if it happens in a build.
I've swapped and tested it with other music segments and it does the same thing.
any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated!
screen cap 1 -https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzuJQz64Dlu3SkpQVEVmU0pXQ2M
screen cap 2 - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzuJQz64Dlu3SXM3U01NMkhmZXc