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+2 votes
I am getting no sound from my Audiokinetic Event from inside the Content Browser in ue4. When I right click and select the play option it's silent. My realtime audio option is turned all the way up. I have linked it to a bank and it generated with no problems inside ue4.  Inside Wwise the event plays with no problems. I've integrated Wwise as an engine plug in and have the enable option checked. I'm new to unreal and wwise so I could be doing something obviously wrong maybe something to do the the soundbank paths but i'm not too sure. Thanks in advance.
closed with the note: Closing this thread because the original issue was resolved back in 2017.
in General Discussion by CONOR H. (190 points)
closed by Noemie P. (Audiokinetic)

2 Answers

0 votes
Hey, did you ever find a solution? I'm having this exact same problem right now.
by Daniel P. (170 points)
0 votes
Best answer
Hello, this is a known issue, tracked with number WG-32413 and it will be fixed in next version of the Wwise Unreal Integration that scheduled to come out in a couple of weeks.
by Noemie P. (Audiokinetic) (12.9k points)
selected by Noemie P. (Audiokinetic)
We are still having this issue in Unreal 4.19 and Wwise v2017.2.3
Was this ever fixed? I am getting this problem now. Everything works fine (Events work in Wwise, events show up in UE4, banks are generated no problem) up until I try to play the event in UE4 editor. No sound when I right click the event and press "Play Event". Nothing happens when I hook everything up via blueprints either.
It was never fixed....
Hello, please bear in mind that this thread is very old, the original issue (WG-32413) was fixed in 2017.1.2.6361.696 ( What you are experiencing is likely a different problem. Please reach out to support, send a bug report in the Wwise Launcher or open a new thread in the Q&A with as much information as possible so that we can help you troubleshoot your issue.