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0 votes
Hi guys, I update mi version of unity to 2017.1, and when I try to integrate it with Wwise 2016.2.4.6098 the following errors are displayed:

2017-07-12T19:34:10.938Z: --- END UNITY LOG ---
2017-07-12T19:34:12.467Z: Game integration: Pushing progress: A script compilation error occurred during the execution in Unity. Please click Open Log to review the Unity log.
Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseMenu/Common/AkExampleAppBuilderBase.cs(109,45): error CS0619: `UnityEditor.BuildTarget.iPhone' is obsolete: `Use iOS instead (UnityUpgradable) -> iOS'
Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseMenu/Common/AkExampleAppBuilderBase.cs(142,45): error CS0619: `UnityEditor.BuildTarget.iPhone' is obsolete: `Use iOS instead (UnityUpgradable) -> iOS'
Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkWwisePostImportCallbackSetup.cs(217,57): error CS1061: Type `AkWwiseProjectData' does not contain a definition for `CurrentPluginConfig' and no extension method `CurrentPluginConfig' of type `AkWwiseProjectData' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkWwisePostImportCallbackSetup.cs(219,33): error CS1061: Type `AkWwiseProjectData' does not contain a definition for `CurrentPluginConfig' and no extension method `CurrentPluginConfig' of type `AkWwiseProjectData' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?


I don't have much experience in Wwise and Unity in fact that is my firs incursion and with unity 5.6 my project were integrate witouth troubles


in General Discussion by Victor S. (100 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

Yes, that's because Audiokinetic doesn't always take care to use the correct defines. You need to update them yourself in three files :

  • AkInitializer
  • AkExempleAppBuilderBase
  • AkWwiseProjectData

Just replace if this files :

#if UNITY_5 



This way you should be able to compile for any incoming version of Unity.

by Sébastien C. (760 points)
best process to make those edits?
If it doesn't work with UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER instead append all places in /Wwise folder in scripts, where it says
"#if UNITY_5"
"#if UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017"