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+1 vote
On Windows 10, when Wwise is run as administrator (which is my default setting, and necessary for other things), it becomes impossible to drop a file from Windows Explorer into a sound in the Wwise Authoring Tool. (Instead is just shows one of the 'forbidden' icons and doesn't do anything.)

This is immediately fixed when you restart Wwise without administrator permission.

This seems like a bug in Wwise right? Anything that can be done about this?
in General Discussion by Jelle (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Hey Jelle,

Thanks for reporting. This is already a known issue.
Long story short, Windows does not allow for dragging elements over admin processes, so the "run as administrator" option will have to be disabled to drag and drop in audio files.
by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)