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I need to gather information and advice regarding Unreal’s native audio capabilities versus the use of middleware (FMod / Wwise). One key factor for my considerations is implementing vehicle sounds. Now, I am reasonably inexperienced in this area, so my own education of how best to implement such sounds will probably be a huge determining factor too.  For example, so far, using native Unreal, I have implemented vehicle sounds using short sample loops of engine sounds and then modifying their pitch using parameters like wheel speed or velocity of the vehicle. This has given reasonable results, but I am unsure if:

a) This is the best way to do it. b) I would get better results with it using middleware instead

Now, I am aware that Unreal’s audio engine has been completely rewritten and will be available for testing in 4.16, so this is another thing I need to factor into my decision. There are features such as:
  • Timestretching samples (might be a better implementation for engine sounds?)
  • Real-time modulation of a cutoff filter (doesn’t seem possible natively in 4.15)
  • Peak meters and some kind of visual mixer (like Unity has)

..which are things I found myself desiring when developing natively in Unreal.
In summary then, I just need some help deciding whether to design vehicle sounds natively in Unreal, or if I should definitely pursue middleware, and which middleware! 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

in General Discussion by Jacob A. (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Hi Jacob, 

Designing vehicle is among the most challenging tasks in game audio and, based on feedback I've received over the years by experienced sound designers, it will probably take you a few games before really mastering the topic (just managing expectations here... :-)). Now, to get back to your questions, Wwise has all the features you've listed plus hundreds of others that Unreal nor Unity have yet (a bit normal, we only focus on audio!). 

If you install the "Wwise Sample Project" from the Wwise Launcher, you'll get two vehicle examples. One using fixed RPM samples + pitch shifting and one using Crackcase REV synthesis technology. It should help taking your decision. This documentation can also be of help:



by Simon A. (Audiokinetic) (3.6k points)
selected by Jacob A.