Audiokinetic's Community Q&A is the forum where users can ask and answer questions within the Wwise and Strata communities. If you would like to get an answer from Audiokinetic's Technical support team, make sure you use the Support Tickets page.

0 votes

Hi there,

I'm receiving the following error within Unity (with relation to Wwise) upon game startup: 

Wwise: Failed to create memory pool: The maximum number of memory pool was exceeded(Object: -1)
Wwise: Insufficient Space to Load Bank(Object: -1)
Wwise: Bank Load Failed (Object:-1)

How do I resolve this? What's strange is that my soundbank is relatively small--just 17 sounds, all about 5MB each. I notice in the documentation a possible to "Enlarge the pool by initializing the different modules of the sound engine in the initialization parameters." If this is the easiest option, how do I do this? 



in General Discussion by Ben M. (170 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
The default settings are quite small so this can definitely happen. You have to change these settings in Unity not in Wwise, and they can be changed in the Wwise Global object / Wwise Initializer component.
by Beatrix Moersch (3.3k points)
+3 votes
Best answer
Base on wwise 2017.2.2

01 : "The maximum number of memory pool was exceeded" , it is about the number of pool not the size.

02 : If your case was unity integration , check AkSoundEnginController.cs in your unity project.

go to line 157 , "memSetting.uMaxNumPools = 20;" <--- 20 is default value , increase this.
by Yu-Wei Su (540 points)
selected by Hou Chenzhong (Audiokinetic)
Just solve my problem