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0 votes
Hey guys,


I am writing my own plugin from scratch.

Everything is fine, I see my plugin in wwise, the Init of the DSP(Engine) part is called, I am able to put breakpoints on it.


So basically everything seems fine and is called BUT the IAkInPlaceEffectPlugin::Execute function.

Adding breakpoints tells me that nothing is loaded and whatever code I put does not affect the sound.

Do you guys have any idea on what I missed or did wrong? I followed the example of the AkDelayFX and everything is the same as far as I can see!
in General Discussion by Amaury E. (200 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
OK so I finally found the issue.

It comes from the call to AK_IMPLEMENT_PLUGIN_FACTORY which I am quite sure was ok on the syntax.

Replaced it by the registration function and it worked
by Amaury E. (200 points)
selected by Fabien B. (Audiokinetic)