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0 votes
I'm working remotely on a Unity game project for Gamekedo Club. Starting with a fresh Unity project - after adding Wwise integration the file is 2.47 GB (1.6GB of this is the plugins folder).

The file takes a really long time to upload to Github and after an hour and a half of uploading Github times out.

Can Wwise be used remotely like this? Is there any way to reduce the file size?
in General Discussion by Micky T. (100 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
You don't need to put up the Unity integration files on the repo. Let each user install the plugin locally to avoid clouding up the repo. Hope this helps!
by Deepak Chennakkadan (1.8k points)
I tried doing this but all Ak script components in my scenes lost their references to the Wwise scripts once I cloned the project on a different machine. Does the Wwise Unity integration maybe not include the .meta files and so each time Wwise is integrated then maybe all the scripts get a unique GUID that only applies to that one integration?