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+4 votes

Is there a known ETA when version control will be ready on Mac (using Mac Authoring Tool/ Unity)?


in General Discussion by Preston W. (210 points)

1 Answer

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As specified in the "Known Issues" list, the Source Control plug-ins (Perforce and Subversion) are not officially supported yet in the Wwise Authoring Application BETA for Mac.

In the meantime, if you would like to experiment with the Subversion source plug-in, make sure to install the latest "Wwise_v2013.2.8_Build_4865_MacAuthoringApplicationBETA" build.

The Subversion source plug-in has been enabled in this build, even though it's not officially supported yet.

Source control operations can also be performed within the Mac OS X environment using the Terminal or any other third-party Source Control software.

by Étienne C. (Audiokinetic) (1.8k points)
selected by Étienne C. (Audiokinetic)
Hi Etienne, is there any update about supporting the Perforce plugin on Mac?

Bump, +1, Like
yes, i'm curious to know the answer as well
Any news 1.5 year later? The project I'm working on uses Perforce, so I don't really have a choice of using SVN. I have the P4 client installed so I can use that too, but I got attached to P4 integration on my last project with Windows... :)