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+1 vote

We just composing the music based on random parts. And currently it's not really comfortable that i don't see the currently playing sub-track in the track.
Could it possible to add the feature where currently playing sub-track in the Music Editor View would be highlighted?

Thank you.
in Feature Requests by Alexey Tomanov (110 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Additionally, in the Profiler, the name of track is shown, but NOT the SUB-track that was selected.
by Monty M. (2.7k points)
It would be great and comfortable to see the highlighted sub-tracks or parts in the Music Editor exactly. Without any necessary to see the profiler.
I totally agree with you. My point was that even in the profiler there is no way to see which sub-track is actually playing.  I think it should be indicated in BOTH places, the editor and the profiler.