Hi Monty,
Thanks for the great suggestion! I really hadn't thought about doing that at all. So the way I've got it set up is as follows:
1. For each of these sounds (bell ringing, swords clashing etc) I have a PostEvent to trigger them
AkSoundEngine.PostEvent("bell_state", gameObject, (uint)AkCallbackType.AK_EndOfEvent, myCallbackFunction, this);
2. By default I couldn't actually find a way to mute these via code, so instead have defaulted to Pause using:
AkSoundEngine.ExecuteActionOnEvent("bell_state", AkActionOnEventType.AkActionOnEventType_Pause);
After testing it seems to do the job. How would you implement your suggestion, out of curiosity?
3. Then every time the player looks at the bells I just call:
AkSoundEngine.ExecuteActionOnEvent("bell_state", AkActionOnEventType.AkActionOnEventType_Resume, gameObject, 5000);
where 5000 is the fade in in millisecs.
In general, can you think of a cleaner way of doing this? It seems to work just fine, but if there's a better way of doing things I'd like to improve!
Thanks again for the help,