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I am having trouble using certain Wwise projects created in Windows with the Mac Authoring Tool. When I generate banks, I get some errors. I am able to successfully generate banks with mac created Wwise projects as well as other Windows created projects. But this particular project is giving me errors. Any ideas? 


  Time ID Message Platform Parameters

15:49:28 - Academic/Non-Commercial license for the current platform will expire in 158 day(s). Mac®

15:49:29 32 Unexpected error: Could not find a part of the path "C:\Users\bradfotsch\Library\Application Support\Wwise\Bottles\wwise\dosdevices\y:\angrywwise\Assets\StreamingAssets\Audio\GeneratedSoundBanks\Mac\AkCopyStreamFiles.log". Mac®

15:49:29 29 Custom post-generation executable returned error id 1: '"/Users/bradfotsch/Library/Application Support/Wwise/Bottles/wwise/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Audiokinetic/Wwise/Authoring/Win32/Release/bin\tools\AkCopyStreamedFiles.exe" -info "/Users/bradfotsch/Library/Application Support/Wwise/Bottles/wwise/dosdevices/y:/angrywwise/Assets/StreamingAssets/Audio/GeneratedSoundBanks/Mac/SoundbanksInfo.xml" -outputpath "/Users/bradfotsch/Library/Application Support/Wwise/Bottles/wwise/dosdevices/y:/angrywwise/Assets/StreamingAssets/Audio/GeneratedSoundBanks/Mac" -hideprogressui true -autoclose true -banks "New_SoundBank Init" -languages "English(US)"' Mac®

15:49:29 - 1 message(s), 1 warning(s), 1 error(s), 0 fatal error(s)



in General Discussion by Brad F. (180 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

In Wwise 2013.2.7, we introduced a new Mac/Windows compliant C++-based "CopyStreamedFiles" helper application to replace the C#-based "AkCopyStreamedFiles" sample tool.


Projects that were created using Wwise 2013.2.7 (or newer) already point to the new "CopyStreamedFiles" helper application.


Older projects, on the other hand, still point to the old "AkCopyStreamedFiles" sample tool that is not Mac compliant.


To solve this issue:

  1. Open Wwise on your Mac or PC and go to "Project > Project Settings… > SoundBanks tab".
  2. For each platform, in the "Post-Generation Step" section, replace the existing "Command Line" string (using the "AkCopyStreamedFiles" sample tool) by this new one (using the "CopyStreamedFiles" helper application): "$(WwiseExePath)\CopyStreamedFiles.exe" -info "$(InfoFilePath)" -outputpath "$(SoundBankPath)" -banks "$(SoundBankList)" -languages "$(LanguageList)"
  3. Close the "Project Settings" dialog and regenerate the Soundbanks.
by Étienne C. (Audiokinetic) (1.8k points)
selected by Étienne C. (Audiokinetic)
Hi Etienne I'm actually using Wwise 2018.1.6 with Mac and I have got the same problem when generating soundbank. I have got 1 error and 1 warning which say
    Invalid info file '/Users/persichella/Library/Application Support/Wwise2018/Bottles/wwise/dosdevices/y:/Desktop/Année formation/Travail/Unity/Exercices/Avril/Loïc/Animations Fight_studentversion/Animations Fight_studentversion_WwiseProject/GeneratedSoundBanks/Mac/SoundbanksInfo.xml'    Mac
Custom post-generation executable returned error id 1: "/Users/persichella/Library/Application Support/Wwise2018/Bottles/wwise/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Audiokinetic/Wwise/Authoring/x64/Release/bin\CopyStreamedFiles.exe" -info "/Users/persichella/Library/Application Support/Wwise2018/Bottles/wwise/dosdevices/y:/Desktop/Année formation/Travail/Unity/Exercices/Avril/Loïc/Animations Fight_studentversion/Animations Fight_studentversion_WwiseProject/GeneratedSoundBanks/Mac/SoundbanksInfo.xml" -outputpath "/Users/persichella/Library/Application Support/Wwise2018/Bottles/wwise/dosdevices/y:/Desktop/Année formation/Travail/Unity/Exercices/Avril/Loïc/Animations Fight_studentversion/Animations Fight_studentversion_WwiseProject/GeneratedSoundBanks/Mac" -banks "GenV1 Init" -languages "English(US)"   
        1 message(s), 1 warning(s), 1 error(s), 0 fatal error(s)
Hi Fabio,
I suggest that you check your project path. It looks like you have "accented characters" in your project path that are not interpreted correctly ("Année formation" and "Loïc") during soundbank generation (/Users/persichella/Desktop/Année formation/Travail/Unity/Exercices/Avril/Loïc/Animations Fight_studentversion/Animations Fight_studentversion_WwiseProject). Remove the accented characters from your project path and try again.