This did not work. I put all sound banks in Assets\StreamingAssets\Audio\Generated SoundBanks\Windows as you suggested. (I corrected the typo in "Streaming Assets" to "StreamingAssets" without the space.) If I run this with the .wproj file in place, it works. If I rename the .wproj file, it does not.
The .wproj file (and the entire Wwise project) is sitting outside of Unity.
I just checked the logs and it seems that it doesn't want a space in "Generated SoundBanks" either:
WwiseUnity: Looking for SoundBanks in D:\GitRepos\TheTerrace\Terrace Prototype A\Assets\StreamingAssets\Audio\GeneratedSoundBanks\Windows\
I made that change (so files are now in the directory in the line above) and I still get a file not found error in the logs, although with no additional information:
WwiseUnity: Bank Main failed to load (AK_FileNotFound)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, String, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
AkBankHandle:LoadBank() (at Assets\Wwise\Deployment\Components\AkBankManager.cs:116)
AkBankManager:LoadBank(String, Boolean, Boolean) (at Assets\Wwise\Deployment\Components\AkBankManager.cs:213)
AkBank:HandleEvent(GameObject) (at Assets\Wwise\Deployment\Components\AkBank.cs:62)
AkUnityEventHandler:Start() (at Assets\Wwise\Deployment\Components\AkUnityEventHandler.cs:48)
AkBank:Start() (at Assets\Wwise\Deployment\Components\AkBank.cs:49)
(Filename: Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Components/AkBankManager.cs Line: 116)
Any other thoughts on what needs to be done?